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Benefits of Melatonin Supplements


Over a third of Americans take supplements to enhance their health – and this number is increasing.

The supplement market is rapidly growing, and melatonin supplements are expected to take off. The global melatonin supplement market is expected to reach nearly 4 billion by 2028, according to SkyQuest.

Melatonin is most often associated with sleep, but it has other benefits that make it a worthwhile and popular supplement. One study found that only 5% of melatonin users strictly take it for its sleep-promoting effects. Melatonin supplements support health and well-being for a variety of people!

What Is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland. Melatonin production is induced by a person being in the dark and is stalled by being in the light. Unsurprisingly then, melatonin helps regulate sleep-wake cycles and circadian rhythms. Research suggests melatonin has numerous other roles in the body.

The Benefits of Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin supplements can have many benefits, including supporting sleep and eye health, decreased heartburn, and more!

Improve Sleep

We spend roughly 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Quality sleep is crucial for overall physical and mental well-being!

Melatonin supports improved sleep, and research indicates it has fewer side effects than sleeping pills. Melatonin supplements can help people who suffer from jet lag, delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSWPD), several child sleep disorders, and more.

Numerous studies find that melatonin supplements promote reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, increase time spent asleep, and improve sleep quality in human clinical trials. However, many of these studies focus on participants with sleep disorders. It is less clear if melatonin has a positive effect on the sleep-wake cycle of healthy adults.

Promote Eye Health

Researchers believe that melatonin is critical for controlling the electroretinogram and protecting the retinal pigment epithelial cells, photoreceptors, and ganglion cells in the eyes.

In particular, melatonin may help treat glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). One study found that supplementing with 3mg of melatonin for 6 – 24 months supported preserving visual clarity and preventing age-related damage in people with AMD.

Researchers are unsure of why melatonin plays a role in ocular health, but it may be because of its high antioxidant content and thus reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. More studies are required to understand how melatonin impacts the eyes.

Decrease Heartburn

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), characterized by heartburn and nausea, is caused by the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus.

Melatonin may help treat GERD. Melatonin may help to decrease the production of nitric oxide. One of nitric acid’s roles in the body is to relax the esophageal sphincter – which can allow stomach acid into the esophagus.

Several studies have found that melatonin helps decrease symptoms of heartburn and GERD.

Increase Levels of Human Growth Hormone

The pituitary gland produces human growth hormone (HGH). Levels of HGH help determine your height, bone length, and muscle growth.

Unsurprisingly, this hormone is most important for children and teenagers as they are still developing, but even in adults HGH is responsible for monitoring fat, muscle, and other tissues in the body.

Although there is controversy, some studies link increased levels of HGH to increases in strength and muscle mass.

Furthermore, studies show that melatonin supplements support increasing levels of HGH!

Decrease Anxiety

Some studies find that melatonin increases levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is a hormone associated with reduced symptoms of anxiety.

In particular, melatonin is more effective than a placebo in reducing pre- and post-surgery anxiety.

Research determining how melatonin impacts anxiety disorders still needs to be done.

Dosage Information

Melatonin does not have official dosage guidelines. Most melatonin supplements come in a range of 0.5 – 1 mg. Most sleep studies with melatonin supplements use 3 mg doses. If this is your first time taking melatonin supplements, start with a lower dosage and work your way up.

Research has shown that the level of melatonin produced by the body decreases with age. Thus, seniors may require higher doses of melatonin to have the best effect.

Finally, aim to take melatonin about a half hour to one hour before bedtime to achieve optimum sleep. That’s roughly how long it takes the supplement to kick in.

Side Effects

Like any supplement, overdosage of melatonin can be dangerous. Side effects include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and sleepiness.

Certain groups should not take melatonin supplements without discussing it with a doctor, including those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have ongoing health problems.

Melatonin can have other adverse effects when taken with other medications, such as antidepressants, blood thinners, and blood pressure medications. If you are on any of these medications, you should consult a medical professional before starting melatonin supplements.

Although there has been some concern that taking melatonin supplements will decrease the body’s natural ability to produce the hormone, research has found that this isn’t the case. Thus far, studies have shown that melatonin is safe for long- and short-term adult use.

Things to Look for in a Melatonin Supplement

There are two kinds of melatonin supplements: natural and synthetic.

Natural melatonin supplements are harvested from animals; synthetic ones are man-made. Avoid natural supplements as there is a possibility of contamination by viruses.

It’s also important to consider the third-party certifications of the product. Although there are FDA guidelines for supplements, the FDA does not enforce them unless someone makes a complaint. Some companies take advantage of this – and their product may not be what they claim.

A 2017 study analyzed over 30 melatonin supplements and found the amount of melatonin was up to 478% higher than the label claimed.

If a product has a third-party certification, that means an unbiased third-party company has analyzed the supplement, and the procedures used to make it, to verify that it contains what it claims it does, and it is safe for human consumption. You should always look to buy supplements with third-party certifications!

Manufacture with Origin Nutraceutical

The supplement market is continuing its rapid growth. With the pressure to design something that will outlast the competition, there is no better manufacturing company to work with than Origin Nutraceutical.

Here at Origin, we help you through every step (from formula design to finished product) to produce the best supplement and optimize your profits. Nothing makes us happier than knowing we have helped you achieve your dream of selling a high-quality supplement.

Contact us today for a quote!

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The content of Origin Nutraceutical’s website is for information only, not advice or guarantee of outcome. Information is gathered and shared from reputable sources; however, Origin Nutraceutical is not responsible for errors or omissions in reporting or explanation. No individuals, including those taking Origin Nutraceutical products, should use the information, resources or tools contained within to self-diagnosis or self-treat any health-related condition. Origin Nutraceutical gives no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness or applicability of the content.

By: Emeline Haroldsen


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Link, Rachael. “Melatonin: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and Dosage”. Healthline. 2018.

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“Melatonin: What You Need to Know”. NIH. 2022.

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“Dietary Supplement Use Among Adults: United States, 2017-2018”. CDC. 2021.

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McTaggart, Katie. “How to Tell if Your Supplements are Third-Party Certified and Why You Should Care”. Nutrasource. 2019.

“Can You Use Melatonin to Help Ease Anxiety?”. Healthline. 2019.

“Should Melatonin Be Used as a Sleeping Aid for Elderly People?.” The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy. 2019.!po=36.6667

“Researchers Find Sleep Benefit in Higher Dose of Melatonin”. The Harvard Gazette. 2022.



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